Sample Copy of Case Incident by Titser Imee

Imelda L. Quijano
UZ-Graduate Studies, Ipil Class

The Unexpected Promotion

  1. Did Lina make the performance evaluation of Imelda at the right time?

No. Performance evaluation needs proper timing on how ready and how

mature the person is in facing the situation. A mere employee might have

considered it as a threat if not properly handled and motivated. There are two

issues that I see that Lina should have considered. First, even before her

promotion she perfectly knew that Imelda lives in isolation from the rest of the

girls. Her life is very secluded. While it is true that “people accomplish more

together than isolation” the answer depicts a strategic management on how to

combat this situation in a more productive and positive way in order to help

the employee. The point is that people, cannot be held responsible for

something to which they have not agreed. The point is also that everyone is

more committed to delivering a responsibility if they have been through the

process of agreeing to do it. This implies that they must have feelings about

the expectations attached, such as time-scale, resources, budget, etc…, even

purpose and method. As a supervisor, Lina must give Imelda the opportunity

to discuss, question and suggest issues concerning expectation attached to a

delegated tasks before she conducted the formal performance evaluation.

      Looking at Imelda’s personality it is also important to ask her what level of

authority she feels comfortable being given, so that, Lina as the immediate

supervisor could agree with her. The stand point points out that there are

some people who are confident while others less so.
Second, Lina’s intention on why she called Imelda into her office was to

increase her production, and that performance evaluation might be the

answer to this. I believe even how lucrative the performance evaluation might

be, if it does not worth the effort on proper timing then it defeats its purpose

for ding so. It is also very unfair to conduct a performance evaluation when

the one doing it does not have the ample knowledge on its novel process and

creativity. If, this be given as directed, then thorough observation and careful

study must be done so as not to create bias on the part of the line

employee/line staff in the unit/department where a supervisor belongs. Lina

must have been very much focused on what the management says and sees

about her, thus, she fails to see what Imelda is and how Imelda can become

Maybe, more that valuing her supervisorship status is also seeing the need to

valuing employee initiative. That is by addressing the needs of the employee

to live fulfilling lives, particularly with regard to work. This way, she can decide

where action needs to be taken and manage the situation accordingly as part

of her area of responsibility. This has a subtle important difference to see

beyond the issue at hand. Consequently, the default is now positive rather

than negative.

  1. Was Lina the right person to be promoted as supervisor?

Yes, hen the management tapped Lina to fill the job of line

supervisor that means that the management had placed confidence on her

as the right person to be given the right job on supervisorship. Although,

selection process might be influenced on being popular or “whom you

know system”, in the end it will always direct the question on whether or

not the person fits the job in order to perform well and to carry-out the job

effectively. In the incident, wherein, Lina called Imelda by having on a

performance evaluation, as suggested by the management, and has

shown negative result on the part of Imelda, does not mean that her

supervisory leadership is a failure; only it is being placed on threat. As

the first responsible in supporting the personal developments of the line

employees  in her department, She, Lina, on the other hand fails to

recognize that more than the desire to increase the production, that is by

doing the right thing, she fails to see also on the other way on doing things

right for Imelda, who is a part of the organization .Handling properly

employees behaviors on the job is a part of the supervisory leadership and

it needs effort, time, skills and creativity to successfully hurdle them. Trust

and relationships, problems and solutions, decisions and consequences

are the underlying foundations that make up a good supervisor. All these

are attainable and cannot be avoided in an organization. What is important

her is proper training t handle the most difficult task required in the

job.Lina’s managerial skills in meeting expectations on the job done is

good. Her decisiveness to make several small improvements in her effort

to improve productivity manifest results that are worthy of emulation for

the people who are working within the mainstream of the organization.

Only, for certainty, she lacks the skill on how to handle hostile behavior

that could be a threat for the success of the organization. Nevertheless, an

answer for this ids the so-called performance challenges as the best way

to create teams. The skills, accountability and commitment of the line

employees all influence performance.

( The Unexpected Promotion)

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